Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014


What is Business? You will definitely answer the Business is business, business was turning our money to make a profit, no one answered or business is to sell goods in order to obtain a gain ( profit ). All of that is true, but the real meaning of Business is the business of selling goods or services performed by an individual, group of individuals or organizations to the consumer (the public ) with the sole purpose is to benefit / profit ( profit ) .Basically, we do business is to make a profit or gain ( profit ). Actually not only that, there are still some functions of the business, namely :
  • Meet the needs of the community.
  • Creating the value of a product into a more useful product.
  • Increase employment , to start a business , we need a workforce.
  • State supplements income , in the form of tax you pay , the medium and large businesses , companies are required to pay taxes.
As in the definition of Business, Business is conducted by an individual, group of individuals or organizations. Here I will give a little explanation about anyone doing business, or commonly referred to as Basic Business Ownership. Basic general business ownership include :
  1. Proprietorship is typically a business owned by one person.
  2. Guild is a form of business in which two or more people work together operate the company to earn a profit . Fellowship can be grouped into a limited partnership and firm unity.
  3. The Company is a business that is owned by a few people and supervised by the director.
  4. Cooperative is a business which consists of persons or legal entities with the bases cooperative activities based on the principles of cooperation as well as people's economic movement based on the principle of kinship.
There are many kinds of businesses that generally we know, kinds of business can be grouped based on those activities, namely : 
  •  Manufacturing is the business activities of producing products derived from raw materials with supporting materials, and then sold for profit. An example is a manufacturing company that produces physical goods such as cars, motorcycles, electronics.
  • Services is a business that produces intangible goods, and earn a profit by charging for services they provide. Examples of services are business consultants and psychologists.
  • Services is a business that produces intangible goods, and earn a profit by charging for services they provide. Examples of services are business consultants and psychologists.
  • Agricultural and Mining business is a business that produces raw goods, such as plants and minerals such as oil, coal.
  • Financial business is a business that benefit from investment and capital management activities.
  •  Business information is business generates profit primarily from turnover-back intellectual property      ( property intelellectual ).
  • Utilities are businesses that operate for public services, such as electricity and water, and are usually funded by the government.
  • The real estate business is a business that generates profits by selling, leasing, and property development, houses, and buildings.
  •  Transportation business is a business advantage by delivering goods or people from a location to another location.
     Another example is the business of making bags and purses of the pack the laundry soap and wash the dishes. Maybe some people underestimate that stuff. If we can be more creative in using junk (clothes washing soap wrappers and plates ), we can obtain a tidy profit. Wrap the soap washing clothes and dishes it can be used for objects that have a good value, such as handbags and wallets. Wrap the soap we wash clothes and dishes, and then stitched to form a pattern purse or wallet. Only with not a lot of capital and a simple way, we will get more profit. In addition we reduce the waste that is around us, it means we 've take an active role in keeping the surrounding environment.



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