Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014


The word or term komunikasi in English " communication" is derived from the Latin "communicatus" which means "sharing" or "belong together". Thus , according to the dictionary the word communication refers to a measure aimed to achieve unity .According to Webster's New Dictionary Collogiate explained that the communication is "a process of exchanging information between individuals through a system of symbols, signs or behavior".Here is the definition of science communication bebarapa expressed by the following experts : Hovland , Janis & Kelley Communication is a process through which a person (communicator) delivered the stimulus ( usually in the form of words) with the purpose of changing or shaping the behavior of the people other ( audience.Berelson & Steiner Communication is a process of delivering information, ideas, emotions, skills, etc. through the use of symbols such as words, pictures, numbers, and others.Harold Lasswell Communication is basically a process that describes "who" "say" what " "what channels" , "to whom", and "the result of what" or "what results". (Who says what in the which channel to Whom and with what effect).Communication Barnlund arise driven by the needs to reduce the uncertainty, act effectively, maintain or strengthen the ego.Weaver Communication is the whole procedure through which a person's thoughts can influence other people's minds.Gode ​​Communication is a process that makes something of a previously owned by someone ( someone monopoly ) be owned by two or more people .Of the various definitions of communication sciences mentioned above, it appears that the experts give a definition in accordance with the point of view of communication dalamelihat. Each emphasizes the meaning, scope, and context to different shows that, science communication as part of social science is a science that is multi - disciplinary .Hovland definition of Cs, emphasizes that the goal of communication is changing or shaping perilaku. Definisi Berelson and Steiner, emphasized that communication is the process of delivery, delivery of information, ideas, emotions, skills, and so on lain. Definisi Lasswell, and chronological explicitly explain aboutfive components involved in the communication , namely : - Who (first communicators who have the initiative or sources . - say what ( fill in the information submitted )
  • To whom ( other communicators targeted recipient ).
  • Through what channels ( instrument / line delivery of information ).
  • With the result / outcome of what ( outcome occurred in self - receiver ).
Lasswell 's definition also suggests that communication is a deliberate effort and have a purpose. Definition Gode, giving emphasis on penularanpemilikan process, from the original ( pre- communication ) is only owned by one person and then after the communication be owned by two or lebih.Definisi Barnlund, emphasizes communication objectives, namely to reduce the uncertainty, as the basis for effective action, and to maintain or strengthen the ego.Based on the definitions of the above communication, can be indicated that the communication has some characteristics as followsCommunication is a process of communication as a process means that communication is a series of actions or events that occur in sequence ( there are stages or sequences ) and related to each other within a certain time.Communication is a deliberate effort and have a purpose. Communication is an activity that is conscious, deliberate, and in accordance with the goals or desires of the perpetrator .Communication requires the participation and cooperation of the actors involved in the communication activities will take place if both parties communicate ( two or more ) equally involved and both have attention samaterhadap the message topic.Communication Communication is essentially a symbolic act done by using symbols . The most common symbols used in communication between humans is bahasaverbal in the form of words, sentences, numbers or other markings.Communication Communication is transactional basically requires two actions, namely giving and receiving . Two of these actions must be done in a balanced or proportional.Communication penetrate time and space factor means is that the participants or actors involved in the communication does not have to be present at the same time and place. With the product range communication technologies such as telephone, internet, facsimile, etc. factors of space and time is no longer a problem in communication.   


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