Jumat, 14 Maret 2014


Business communication is the exchange of ideas, opinions, information, instructions that have a specific purpose that is served in a personal or impersonal through symbols-symbols or signals .Communication involves the exchange of business information continuously. It is a continuous process. More businesses expanded, greater pressure on the business to find more effective ways of communication - with the workers and with the world outside. Thus, business and communication go hand in hand.

In business communication there are six main elements , namely :
  • Having a goal , meaning that business communication must have a predetermined objectives in line with organizational goals.
  •  Exchange , in this case involves at least two persons or lbih the communicator and the communicant.
  • Ideas, opinions , information , instruction is the content of messages that shape vary depending on the purpose , situation , and condition.
  • Using a personal or impersonal channels which may be face to face , using specific media or media that reach millions of people simultaneously.
  • Receipts symbol or a signal which is a tool or method that can be understood or understood by the receiver to convey the message.
  • Achievement of organizational goals : one of the distinguishing characteristics of a formal organization or institution is the purpose of information predetermined by management.
 In order to understand what and how and what kind of business bussines ataukomunikasi communication, needs to be understood in advance what is meant by communication.In general, communication is the process of delivering meaningful symbols ( messages ) from a communicator to the communicant to produce a certain effect.From general and simple definition above could be seen a number of important elements of communication itself, namely :
  1. Communicator ( Communicator ), conveys the message.
  2. Message ( message ), the symbols mean being delivered.
  3. Communicants ( communican ), recipient of the message.
  4. Effect ( Effect ) , any change in the communicant to be achieved.  Both changes in knowledge (koginitif ), changes in feelings ( affective ) and behavioral changes ( conative / behavioral )
When the communication process takes place, both communicants and communicator mengeluarkanfeedback (feedback) to the message respectively.
In the activity in a business organization, communication is urgent activity that plays an important role. A failure in business organizations, many of which are caused by the lack of well-organized business communication conducted tersebu actors in the organization.
Communications business (the Business Communication) is true of all forms of communication used in the business world, mecakup various forms of communication. Good communication verbal and non verbal
Business communication works so well, is that the communication can be carried out effectively in accordance with the circumstances in the respective organization. Good leadership, know and understand the correct manner and form of communication that should be applied saar talk with subordinates, for example. Or a salesman schools use tricks when communications approach will persuade prospective clients or buyers.
Bottom line, if done properly, good and effectiveness, communication will make one important determinant of success or failure of an item of a corporate organization.


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