Minggu, 28 April 2013

Tugas 2


                                Leadership In Enterpreneurship

A. definition of Leadership
Leadership is the process of directing the behavior of others towards the achievement of certain goals. Briefing in this case means to cause another person to act in a certain way or follow a certain direction.

B. Leadership behavior
Leader behavior is related to two main areas:
a. Oriented tasks set goals, plan and achieve goals.
b. Oriented people who motivate and foster human relationships.

C. Leadership Approaches
Leadership approaches consist of:
1. Approach to nature (trait) leadership
2. Approach the situation (situational) leadership

D. Determination of How to Make Decisions As A Leader
Three main factors that affect the strength or determination of entrepreneurs on leadership behaviors which will be used to make decisions is:
1. Force in self-entrepreneurs
2. Power on subordinate
3. Strength in leadership situations

E. Leadership Situation in General
A leader shows the three main types of behavior when they had fulfilled their obligations. The first type of behavior is called behavioral structure. Behavior of the structure is a leadership activity that describes the relationship between the leader and the followers of the leader or set well-defined procedures that must be adhered to by followers in performing their duties.

 Nama  : Nurul Jannah
 Kelas  : 2SA04
 NPM  : 15611400

- www.gunadarma.ac.id
- www.studentsite.gunadarma.ac.id

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